Saturday, September 23, 2017

Tentacle Shading Tutorial, End

That's everything, every step involved in making this tentacle-girl image from start to finish.

Hopefully you found this useful, or at least informative. I know that when I started I would often give up on images halfway through, because they didn't look any good then, so obviously they weren't going to look any good later. Except that was 100% wrong!

It took me years to realize that making a nicely shaded image is all about passes - layering more shadows and lights and shading and effects one on top of each other, over and over, until a flat image becomes a lushly shaded work.

Of course it also would have helped me to know what layers I should be adding, and hopefully this step-by-step walkthrough will help you get started.

Thanks for reading, sincerely, H

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